
Monday, June 25, 2012

A First

We woke up Monday morning a bit exhausted from hiking around the San Diego Zoo so we decided to take it slow.  After all, we had so many days of vacation left and vacation is about getting in a little R&R.  We spent the morning in our jammies and ate breakfast, watched movies, and just enjoyed each other.

'The Littles got in an early morning workout.

We ate breakfast on our balcony and watched some ships leaving the bay for the day.

'The Littles' each took a nap (at the same time!) and 'The Hubs' and I took turns working out at the gym.  We got everybody ready for the day around 3 pm.  And only because we had to.  We had a big surprise for 'The Boy'.

We went Downtown and ate and early dinner at The Old Spaghetti Factory and then took a walk towards Petco Park where we surprised 'The Boy' with tickets to his first baseball game!

He was so excited. 

I was told they had a great time.
He told me the best part was the popcorn. 

I went shopping with 'Munchkin' and 'Mister' and then took them back to the hotel for more movies.  I am so glad that 'The Boy' had his first baseball game with just his Dad.  'The Hubs' said it was a great Daddy moment.

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