
Friday, June 29, 2012

Enjoying the Island

Ou vacation, sadly, was coming to an end.  It seemed to go by so fast becuase we kept so busy.  On our last full day at the resort we were blessed with perfect island weather and chose to stay put and enjoy a beautiful summer day.

Of course we spent the morning on the balcony, 'The Hubs' and I drinking coffee and relaxing, 'The Littles playing toy and IPad games.  I have no idea why 'The Boy's' feet are so darn dirty.  Likely just becuase he is a boy.

We headed down to the pool after lunch.  'Mister' napped, I read a book, and 'The Hubs' played with 'The Littles'.


'The Boy's' first self portrait.  In frame but so blurry.

Me and my girl.

I'm gonna miss this place.
'The Boy' fell asleep on the couch before we even got out of our bathing suits so we had to eat in our room.  'Munchkin' wanted him to play with her and kept bugging him and even brushed his hair with pizza crust.  He was so sleepy he didn't budge.

'The Hubs' and I enjoyed one more delicious quinoa salad from Burger Lounge on our balcony before we started packing up.  Bittersweet.

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