
Sunday, June 20, 2010

My Daddy

Of all of the days in the year, the day I miss my Daddy the most is on Father's Day. I miss him every day but, today especially. On Father's Day, I am heartbroken beyond anything that he is gone. I am devastated that I cannot simply hear his voice or see his smile. I would give anything to be able to pick up the phone and hear his voice on the other end.

It's ironic that this is day I miss him most. I hardly ever spent a Father's Day with him in my adult life. He was either away on vacation or I was working and we'd just celebrate later. If only I had known how short life truly is.
It is hard for me to carry on and celebrate this day for my husband and step-dad, both wonderful dad's. I want to make the day special for them without being sad. So, this morning, I gave myself a little time alone to cry and remember my Daddy.

I went through a bunch of pictures to add to this post but decided to put up just a few of us- my Dad, my brother, 'The Boy', and I. I came across this one in a folder within a folder. I had never seen it before. We are at his house in Irvine and we had just finished watching the Superbowl. 'The Boy' was 16 months old and hadn't even had his first haircut yet. That's my brother, Michael, sitting in my Dad's wheelchair eating dessert. This is the last photo I ever took with him. Even though seeing this caused a moment of uncontrollable sobbing, I am so glad that I found it.

Happy Father's Day, Daddy. I love you, forever.

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