
Wednesday, September 26, 2012


My sweet 'Boy',

You are five today!  Five!  An age that you have been anticipating for the last two months ("am I five yet?") and one that I just cannot believe is here.  Every year, not only do we celebrate your birthday but the day Mommy and Daddy became parents.  That makes it just a little extra special for us.

At five years old you are...


You love giving hugs and kisses, snuggling, and you tell me, "Mommy, we are in love".  When you grow up, you want to marry Mommy.  You love your Daddy, too but you are definitely a "mommy's boy".  You love your sister and hate when it's her nap time.  You dance with her, snuggle her, hug her and get very upset when she doesn't let you.  You are so sweet to your brother, too.  You are always looking out for him and you climb in his crib to play with him when he wakes up in the morning. 


You love Legos, super heros, playing dress up, playing dolls with you sister (please don't be mad at me for saying that someday).  You're favorite thing to play is a game called honey- you are the Dad and I am the kid.  We play for hours.  You love wrestling with Daddy and beg him to play with you as soon as he walks in the door from work.  You love watching movies quote them all the time.  And you love, love, love to sing! You stand in front of the fire place with you microphone and announce that "it's showtime everyone".  Your favoirte song to perform is 'It's a Small World'.


You love arts and crafts!  We have a cabinet in which we keep all things crafty and you are constantly getting into it.  You ask me daily if there is a project for us to do and your favorite thing about kindergarten is making paper bag puppets.  You also love taking pictures with your camera and videos on my IPhone. 


You know how to use an Ipad better than I do and I imagine that you'll be teaching me new apps here soon.  You are one of three kids in your class of 27 who can read and you love learning.  You are so curious about the world and want to know everything about everything.  We call you our little sponge because you soak up everthing that you hear and never forget it.


You have the best sense of humor and tell us the silliest jokes.  You have no idea what a pun is but you spill them out of your mouth constantly.  You comedic timing is impecible.  And you have the silliest little giggle that can't help but make everyone around you laugh along with you.

You are just the greatest five year old we know and we are so proud that you are our son!  We love you so very much, sweet boy!

Mommy and Daddy

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