
Thursday, July 28, 2011


 This summer has been pretty mild for us.  The weather hasn't been horribly hot and, due to some severe morning sickness, we have been just lazing around the house instead of on the usual move.  This year, we have spent plenty of mornings drinking coffee (or laying on the couch, trying not to puke) on the back patio watching the kids play around in their pjs.

Playing ball...

 ...she loves the playhouse...

 ...working on that swing...

 ...making breakfast for Mommy...

We have also spent a lot of time running after the kids (laying on the concrete trying not to puke) while they splash in the sprinkler or the pool.  They both love the water!

 ...this is the best you are getting from me for a while...


 ...engaging in some guy talk...

 ...playing with some pool toys... cute is that face?

Even my new roses are thoroughly enjoying the summer.  Hope everyone is having a wonderful season!


C said...

the picture of your boys sitting in that tiny pink pool is adorable.

Leslie said...

phew! you're back!

DeBran said...

Great pictures lady!!