
Friday, May 21, 2010

Mother's Day

My Mother's Day celebration started on Thursday because my Mom was heading for Hawaii on the actual day. Too bad my present didn't involve a week in a tropical paradise. My mom took me to the Murrieta Day Spa for a prenatal massage and a morning of relaxation.

Heading in for my very first pregnancy massage!

My boy's made my day super special. Including my brother. He sent me lilies which arrived the day before. 'The Boy' woke up at 5:30 that morning but, 'The Hubs' rescued me and I slept in...ahhh! Then, my little man woke me up for breakfast. I walked into the kitchen to see this.

Roses from my honey and a gift from 'The Boy'.

'The Hubs' made breakfast (and did the dishes). He apparently thought that I was eating for 5. Note the special friend that 'The Boy' let me eat breakfast with.

Chocolate covered strawberries. My favorite!

'The Hubs' and 'The Boy' got me a new book (Mommywood, by Tori Spelling...guilty).
This is the special Mother's Day gift 'The Boy' made for me in church.

After breakfast, 'The Hubs' said,"you take the day off and do whatever you want." I relaxed on the couch all morning and part of the afternoon watching Lifetime movies. I had contractions the day before and just wanted to relax. The Boys made me lunch and 'The Hubs' worked on the baby's room during nap time. Mimi and Papa came for dinner (again, 'The Hubs' cooked) which was nice because we have never spent Mother's day with her since I have known 'The Hubs'.

All in all, it was a great day. The only thing that would have made it better is if 'The Hubs' had emptied and put all of the dishes away the next morning. Thanks, babe, for giving me the day off and making me feel like such a special mommy :).

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