'The Hubs' is thirty! I was heavily encouraged not to do anything special or out of the ordinary for this birthday. No surprises, no vacations, etc. I followed the rules. Only because I am growing more pregnant by the day and have no desire to plan stuff or to be scolded by someone the same age as me.
On Friday, I took 'The Hubs' out for dinner. I told him it was his choice which, of course, was sushi until he remembered that I can't eat that right now. So we went to the Yard House. It was such a nice night and we sat out on the patio drinking beer.
After dinner, we considered going to see Avatar but, it didn't start until 10 and, being that he just turned old, we decided that was way too late to attempt viewing a three hour long flick.
On Sunday, we had a little family dinner which is hardly little for us. I was so busy chatting with Janelle and Jennifer that I forgot to take pictures of the family. I did remember to capture cake time.
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