
Saturday, January 2, 2010

Happy New Year

I cannot believe that we just rang in 2010! Usually, for me, the odd years prove to be better than the evens and, being that 10 is an even number, I would normally not be super excited for the year to come. But, let's face it- aside from an awesome vacation and finding out about the upcoming arrival of our second little one- 2009 was a BUST!

Last year, I lost my father, went back to work more than I ever thought I would have to, struggled to stay above water in the whirlpool of finances, and spent the last bit sick on my couch. While I'm super grateful for all that I have, I'd say things can only go up from here.

So onto a new year and a cleanish slate. We are looking forward to all this new year brings.

On to the resolutions. Usually, my New Year's resolution is to workout more and loose that last annoying five pounds. This year, I am off the hook! I do, however, have a few things that I will add to the list, one of which continues to reoccur year after agonizing year (hoping to conquer that once and for all).

1. Floss regularly. I floss. Just not the way a dental hygienist would. Hoping to make you proud this year Dr.Kim.

2. Give birth to this baby. With drugs. Only because I have to.

3. Spend more time on the floor playing with my kiddo and get up in under 30 seconds with the assistance of only one piece of furniture.

4. Make more dinners and less frozen pizza.

5. Work less. I hope, I hope, I hope, I hope.

6. Go to church regularly. Like every week. If I don't burst into flames the moment I enter the doors.

Good luck to you all with your resolutions this year. Don't worry if it doesn't work out. I'm pretty sure the only one that I'll follow through on is #2. Only because I have to.

Happy New Year!

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