
Thursday, July 31, 2008

3 Year Anniversary

Well, it is hard to believe but, it has been 3 years since our fairytale wedding. It was the most wonderful day of our lives and, although trying, the best 3 years as well.
We went out for sushi at Shogun last night and we exchanged silly cards. My step-dad asked what gift you give each other the third year (1st is paper, 2nd is cotton?), I relpied flat screen TV. We decided not to exchange gifts but buy something new for the house.
Anyways, it was a fun night for just the 2 of us (Grammie babysat) and here's to 50 more!
Just little memory for you all:

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Finally settling in

We moved into our new house on July 13th and it has been more of a project than we thought it would be. We knew that buying a bank owned home would mean a lot of work but, this particular house didn't seem to need as much as others we had seen. Silly us, being the first time homeowners that we are, assumed the house was move in ready. 1 week, 9 gallons of paint, 3 bottles of cleanser, a good carpet shampooing, and about 50 outlet covers later we were ready to move in.
The move itself went relatively smoothly and it has only taken us 2 weeks to get ourselves unpacked. I am now less embarrassed to show off our work in progress and happy to say that only 3 half unpacked boxes remain inside of the house. (The garage is a different story but we will get to that someday.)
So happy to be able to show off our new house to all of you and to (finally) keep you posted on all that is happening with us 3.