
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Twas the Night Before Liam

Well, February 19th came and went with no action from 'Mister'.  So did the 20th.  I tried so hard to just live my life like I normally do but I was growing desperate to have 'Mister' evacuate my uterus.  I filled my days up with running after 'The Littles', grocery shopping, and crafting.  I sat on the couch night after night willing my uterus to contract or my amniotic sac to rupture.  Nothing.  Zip.Zilch.Nada.

On the 21st, I waddled into my OB's office and waited for two hours to see her and beg for her to give 'Mister' an eviction notice.  I patiently sat in the examining room when I heard the worst possible thing on the other side of the wall.  She was yelling at someone on the phone, "what do you mean she's not on the schedule?  I scheduled her last week!" 

Apparently, she had set up an induction but the hospital hadn't taken note of it.  It was supposed to happen on Thursday at noon.  The best they could give me was the same day at 6 pm.  No big deal.  It was only six hours later.

Though I wanted to go into labor on my own, I had become so desperate that I took what I could get and prayed that nature would take its course before then.

I excitedly posted a picture of my orders (on a wrinkle Post-it no less) with the announcement that our son would be here soon.

Late Thursday afternoon, we packed up the car and dropped 'The Littles' off at Mimi and Papa's for a sleepover.  We had about an hour and a half to spare before 6pm so we decided to grab some dinner.  I called the hospital just to make sure they were ready for us.  And then, the worst possible thing happened.

The labor and delivery unit was full with women whose bodies knew how to have a baby without medical intervention.  They asked me to call back in an hour.

We went to Yardhouse for dinner.  The same place we dined before we checked in for our induction with 'Munchkin'.  Maybe it would bring us luck. 

 'The Hubs' had a half yard of Dark Castle.

  I drank water and pretended it tasted as good as a Dark Castle.

We called the hospital at 7 pm.  They had no good news for us.  They told us to call back in another hour.  We went to Golden Spoon and rented a movie from Redbox to watch on the laptop.  We drove to the hospital and sat in the parking lot.  It was on the way home so we thought, 'why not?'  We were pretty sure we'd end up home anyway.

We called at 8 pm.  We got wait listed.  Wait listed!  Like I was trying to get into a class in college!  The nurse told us to call at 8 in the morning.  I was bummed but not totally devastated.  At least I was going to get a good night of sleep.

We went home, watched our movie and went to bed.  As I fell asleep I prayed that we would be able to get in the next morning.  Turned out, 'Mister' had other plans.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Meet Our Mister!

 Liam Jacob Johnson

Born Februrary 24, at 2:55 pm.
8 lbs. 8 oz., 20 1/2 in.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Pregnancy #3

This pregnancy is not well documneted.  I have been so busy running after 'The Littles' and catching up on life that I haven't made an effort to take belly pictures or blog about pregnancy month by month.  I feel badly about that.  The only way that I can even start to make up for it is to describe how very wonderful this pregnancy has been.
I hated being pregnant with 'The Boy' and 'Munchkin'.  Close to every second of it was dreadful.  This time around, I have never been more sick and never more exhausted.  I've had too many nosebleeds to count, got hit with the stomach flu twice, and even fell down the stairs once. 

Yet, I have enjoyed every moment of being pregnant.  So much so, that I will eat my words right now and say that I might want to do this just one more time.  I have loved sharing my body with another person and feeling every kick and hiccup.  I have enjoyed the excitment of preparing for another member of our family.  I didn't even mind the morning sickness much.

As we draw closer and closer to our baby's due date, I have become a little sad that I may never have this experience again.  I remember the shock and sadness I felt when I first discovered that I would be a mommy of three.  I remember thinking that I had plenty of time to get used to the idea...February 19th was a long way off.  I never thought I would come to the end of this pregnancy with such a positive experience or even desiring more children.

With that said, I am ready.  Ready for this new life to join ours.  Ready for the craziness that will be adjusting to having three 'Littles'.  Ready to fall in love again. 

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentine's Day

I love Valentine's Day just as much as any other gal but, this year, it was so close to our due date that we decided to keep it very low key.  We woke 'The Littles' up early and took them to IHOP for a special breakfast. 

 'Munchkin' kept busy with the creamer...

...and 'The Boy' kept busy by making a mess. 

When we got home, we gave them their Valentine's baskets. 

'The Hubs' and I kept it low key, too.  No gifts.  Just cards and candy.  We had a big gift coming soon and that was plenty for us.

We didn't do much of anything for the rest of the day.  Just loved each other. :)